Today when Maggie and I went for a walk, I was pleasantly surprised to see something peeking up out of the ground. Here's Maggie posing with our new arrivals:

What may be difficult to see in this picture is that, along with the crocuses, SNOW is falling. Yes, it was like being in a snow globe. Big flakes wafting to the ground, thick at times.
We walked up the beach a bit and encountered more evidence that spring is not QUITE here...

And if I weren't already convinced, the path along the bay on the way to my chorus practice confirmed it:

It was a little windy. But the good thing was I was riding my BIKE to practice! This is something I'd been plotting for awhile, but hadn't quite figured out how to do. Turns out there's a good bike path almost all the way there, if you know how to find it!

(This is not the hard-to-find part.)
By the way, I must mention that Portland, Oregon is experiencing record HIGHS today. Yes, I believe they were hitting SEVENTY-SEVEN DEGREES! Not that I'm envious or anything. No, no. I love the 30s. 77 is 40 degrees too hot. What would I do with all my mittens and hats, mountains of fleece, and layers of long underwear?
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