Michigan in the Winter
It's winter in Michigan
and the gentle breezes blow
at seventy miles an hour,
at twenty-five below
Oh how I love Michigan
with the snow up to your butt,
you take one breath of winter
and your nose gets frozen shut
The weather here is wonderful
I guess I'll hang around,
I could never leave Michigan
because I'm frozen to the ground.
It's winter in Michigan
and the gentle breezes blow
at seventy miles an hour,
at twenty-five below
Oh how I love Michigan
with the snow up to your butt,
you take one breath of winter
and your nose gets frozen shut
The weather here is wonderful
I guess I'll hang around,
I could never leave Michigan
because I'm frozen to the ground.
Well, what can you do. In the spirit of this lovely poem, here is a sampling of some winter-time Michigan activities.
Some people choose to get artistic:

(Obviously, some dogs have NO appreciation for art. She walked right through it!)
Then, of course, there is skiing. Maggie and I went exploring up at the end of the peninsula, where Mom and I had visited the lighthouse at the 45th parallel. Turned out to be a wonderful place to ski! Here are some pictures from December, pre-booties:

It truly was a winter wonderland.

Then there's the Vasa Trail, which is a groomed trail (no dogs allowed). Here's a picture of the Vasa from today:

Okay, this one is a little scary. But not as scary as these MONSTER icicles seen on the way back from the baby shower the other day! I had to stop and gawk (and take this picture, of course!).

Another favorite winter-time activity is measuring the snow. Here we see a ruler in the back yard in December:

I would show you one from today, but you wouldn't be able to see any of the ruler.
So there are plenty of fun things to do around here, even if it is 7 below with the wind chill.
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