I looked at the magazine. By golly, he was right!

So I looked through a few others.

And how about this:

Okay, I'm kind of amazed. ONE magazine cover with such blatant contradictions, all right. But it really does seem to be EVERY SINGLE ISSUE! There is the helpful healthy living advice and right beside is the GIANT PICTURE OF SOMETHING THAT GOES AGAINST ALL OF IT!
How can they get away with this? They say they're helping, but they know our reptilian brains go straight to the chocolate chip cake! UNFAIR!
I don't know why this makes me so mad, but it just does. I guess it's because I am feeling betrayed by Women's Day and Family Circle! It's like finding out your grandma wasn't really on your side, after all. Sure, she coached you through your dance routine, but then she waxed the floor the day of the performance! How are you supposed to succeed under these conditions, with big cheesecakes staring you in the face? HOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW?
Anyway, back at the baby shower, it turned out a baby llama is called a "cria." (We didn't get that one.)
And a baby hummingbird...
drumroll, please...
a "chick!"
(Sad to say, we didn't get that one either!)
I saw another cake on another cover right below and article about losing weight at the grocery store just now! It's terrible!!
Take care,
Karen B
Yes! This is BOGUS!!
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