Today Mom and I were headed east on I 80 when we saw a sign saying "Point of Interest, next right." We debated only a moment before deciding that, despite the lack of specific information, this was something we needed to see. (At 80 mph, there is only a moment to debate, anyway.)
The off-ramp circled around to a spot in between the two directions of traffic. We got out of the car, and it was windy windy windy. (No wonder we'd seen a bunch more windmills! I was glad I was not biking in the westerly direction.) A fenced-in area contained a few interpretive signs, and we went in to read them. And this is how we found the tree growing out of a rock.
The signs also told us about the Sherman Mountains, which explained some interesting rock formations nearby. Of course we had to take some pictures.
The piles of blocky rock masses put me in mind of other things piled high, so I also took a picture of a mountain of a different sort: the mountain o' stuff in the car. (And stellar traveler Maggie! who, although you can't see it very well in the picture, actually has more room in the car than any of us.)
We motored on into Nebraska, stopping for a snack at a very well-appointed rest area. A lush lawn was dotted with concrete picnic tables, each protected by several brick walls (that wind again!). Each one also had its own trash can and a BARBECUE GRILL! I thought this was a little above and beyond. Mom complimented a guy working at the area on how nice everything was, thanking him for his efforts. He replied that it's pretty much a case of there not being anything else to do around there.
We lost an hour somewhere in Nebraska, so were suddenly transported from "in good shape for an early night" to "late for dinner and everything else." Oh, well. We're pretty happy here in another Motel 6, within reach of Iowa City for tomorrow, and Traverse City possibly Saturday!
1400 miles down, 900 to go.